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All relationships undergo challenges at some point. I know mine has, and it took focus and dedication to make it great again. Couples therapy is a great option to navigate those challenges and create a relationship both partners need and deserve. Additionally, when we work on our relationship we always improve our personal functioning. If you think about it, it would be hard to have a healthy relationship if you weren't functioning at your best.


Plus, couples therapy has evolved. This isn’t your parents therapy. There are new research-based interventions and results. It’s not about blame. It’s about creating a relationship culture of mutual understanding, empathy, and action. In other words, it allows you to reveal your relationship potential so it can be all it was intended to be. 



To accomplish this, I use the following proven treatment methods as well as other clinical tools as needed: 


Common reasons couples come to therapy are to:
  • Get the most out of a new relationship and avoid the pitfalls of their parents’ relationship

  • Pre-marital counseling to determine areas to work on 

  • Find out if a troubled relationship can be saved

  • Gain a shared vision for their future  

  • Discover how their relationship can be a powerful source of personal growth

  • Learn new ways to communicate in order to manage conflict

  • Feel more love for their partner and experience a deeper connection when there has been emotional distance

  • Put joy, romance, or sex back in their relationship

  • Build security in their relationship to heal trauma

  • Decide how to proceed when there is an active affair

  • Construct a new relationship after a betrayal or other crisis

  • Navigate details of a separation or divorce 

  • Co-parent effectively during a separation or divorce

Image by Chiến Phạm


Don't move the way fear makes you move.

move the way love makes you move.



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